Title: The Connection between the Intracluster Light and its Host Halo: Formation Time and Contribution from Different Channels


Authors: Emanuele Contini, Jinsu Rhee, San Han, Seyoung Jeon, Sukyoung K. Yi


Abstract: We extend the analysis presented in contini et al. 2023a to higher redshifts, up to z=2, by focusing on the relation between the intracluster light (ICL) fraction and the halo mass, its dependence with redshift, role played by the halo concentration and formation time, in a large sample of simulated galaxy groups/clusters with 13≲logMhalo≲15. Moreover, a key focus is to isolate the relative contributions provided by the main channels for the ICL formation to the total amount. The ICL fraction at higher redshift is weakly dependent on halo mass, and comparable with that at the present time, in agreement with recent observations. Stellar stripping, mergers and pre-processing are the major responsible channels of the ICL formation, with stellar stripping that accounts for ∼90% of the total ICL, regardless of halo mass and redshift. Pre-processing is an important process for clusters to accrete already formed ICL. The diffuse component forms very early, z∼0.6, and its formation depends on both concentration and formation time of the halo, with more concentrated and earlier formed haloes that assemble their ICL earlier than later formed ones. The efficiency of this process is independent of halo mass, but increases with decreasing redshift, which implies that stellar stripping becomes more important with time as the concentration increases. This highlights the link between the ICL and the dynamical state of a halo: groups/clusters that have a higher fraction of diffuse light are more concentrated, relaxed and in an advanced stage of growth.



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번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜
공지 All papers with web link to ADS with Yi. S. K. (refereed articles only) GEM 2012.06.05
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