Title: Translators of Galaxy Morphology Indicators between Observation and Simulation

Authors: Jang, J. K.; Yi, Sukyoung K.; Dubois, Yohan; Rhee, Jinsu; Pichon, Christophe; Kimm, Taysun; Devriendt, Julien; Volonteri, Marta; Kaviraj, Sugata; Peirani, Sebastien; Oh, Sree; Croom, Scott
Abstract: Based on the recent advancements in numerical simulations of galaxy formation, we anticipate the achievement of realistic models of galaxies in the near future. Morphology is the most basic and fundamental property of galaxies, yet observations and simulations still use different methods to determine galaxy morphology, making it difficult to compare them. We hereby perform a test on the recent NEWHORIZON simulation, which has spatial and mass resolutions that are remarkably high for a large-volume simulation, to resolve the situation. We generate mock images for the simulated galaxies using SKIRT, which calculates complex radiative transfer processes in each galaxy. We measure morphological and kinematic indicators using photometric and spectroscopic methods following observers' techniques. We also measure the kinematic disk-to-total ratios using the Gaussian mixture model and assume that they represent the true structural composition of galaxies. We found that spectroscopic indicators such as V/σ and λ R closely trace the kinematic disk-to-total ratios. In contrast, photometric disk-to-total ratios based on the radial profile fitting method often fail to recover the true kinematic structure of galaxies, especially small ones. We provide translating equations between various morphological indicators.

댓글 0

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜
공지 All papers with web link to ADS with Yi. S. K. (refereed articles only) GEM 2012.06.05
46 (2024) Exploring Lenticular Galaxy Formation in Field Environments Using NewHorizon: Evidence for Counterrotating Gas Accretion as a Formation Channel admin2 2024.12.17
45 (2024) A super-Eddington-accreting black hole ~1.5 Gyr after the Big Bang observed with JWST admin2 2024.11.05
44 (2024) The Impact of Positive AGN Feedback on the Properties of Galaxies in a Semi-Analytic Model of Galaxy Formation admin2 2024.10.24
43 (2024) On the Origin of Star Formation Quenching of Galaxies in Group Environments Using the NewHorizon Simulation admin2 2024.10.24
42 (2024) The SAMI Galaxy Survey: impact of star formation and AGN feedback processes on the ionized gas velocity dispersion admin2 2024.10.24
41 (2024) Formation Pathways of the Compact Stellar Systems admin2 2024.10.24
40 (2024) On the Origin of the Variety of Velocity Dispersion Profiles of Galaxies admin2 2024.10.24
39 (2024) On the Significance of the Thick Disks of Disk Galaxies admin2 2024.10.24
38 (2024) Diffuse Light in Milky Way–like Haloes admin2 2024.10.24
37 (2023) The Connection between the Intracluster Light and its Host Halo: Formation Time and Contribution from Different Channels admin2 2024.10.24
36 (2023) The Intracluster Light and Its Link with the Dynamical State of the Host Group/Cluster: The Role of the Halo Concentration admin2 2024.10.24
» (2023) Translators of Galaxy Morphology Indicators between Observation and Simulation Seyoung 2023.09.14
34 (2022) Star Formation History and Transition Epoch of Cluster Galaxies Based on the Horizon-AGN Simulation Seyoung 2023.09.14
33 (2022) The SAMI Galaxy Survey: the difference between ionized gas and stellar velocity dispersions Seyoung 2023.09.14
32 (2022) Performance Enhancement of Tree-based Friends-of-friends Galaxy Finder for High-resolution Simulations of Galaxy Formation Seyoung 2023.09.14
31 (2021) Introducing the NEWHORIZON simulation: Galaxy properties with resolved internal dynamics across cosmic time admin 2022.01.10
30 (2021) Star-Gas Misalignment in Galaxies. II. Origins Found from the Horizon-AGN Simulation admin 2022.01.10
29 (2021) Exploring the Origin of Thick Disks Using the NewHorizon and Galactica Simulations admin 2022.01.10
28 (2020) YZiCS: On the Mass Segregation of Galaxies in Clusters admin 2020.12.08
27 (2020) Star-Gas Misalignment in Galaxies. I. The Properties of Galaxies from the Horizon-AGN Simulation and Comparisons to SAMI admin 2020.11.24