Title: The Intracluster Light and its Link with the Dynamical State of the Host Group/Cluster: the Role of the Halo Concentration


Authors:  E. Contini, S. Jeon, J. Rhee, S. Han, S.K. Yi


Abstract: We investigate on the role of the halo concentration in the formation of the intra-cluster light (ICL) in galaxy groups and clusters, as predicted by a state-of-art semi-analytic model of galaxy formation, coupled with a set of high-resolution dark matter only simulations. The analysis focuses on how the fraction of ICL correlates with halo mass, concentration and fraction of early-type galaxies (ETGs) in a large sample of groups and clusters with 13.0≤logMhalo≤15.0. The fraction of ICL follows a normal distribution, a consequence of the stochastic nature of the physical processes responsible for the formation of the diffuse light. The fractional budget of ICL depends on both halo mass (very weakly) until group scales, and concentration (remarkably). More interestingly, the ICL fraction is higher in more concentrated objects, a result of the stronger tidal forces acting in the innermost regions of the haloes where the concentration is the quantity playing the most relevant role. Our model predictions do not show any dependence between the ICL and ETGs fractions and so, we instead suggest the concentration rather than the mass, as recently claimed, to be the main driver of the ICL formation. The diffuse light starts to form in groups via stellar stripping and mergers and later assembled in more massive objects. However, the formation and assembly keep going on group/cluster scales at lower redshift through the same processes, mainly via stellar stripping in the vicinity of the central regions where tidal forces are stronger.




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번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜
공지 All papers with web link to ADS with Yi. S. K. (refereed articles only) GEM 2012.06.05
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